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Don Bosco IFAK Students Start Lenten Season with Ash Wednesday Observance


Students of Don Bosco IFAK Kimihurura started their Lenten journey on February 14th, embracing the traditional practices of Ash Wednesday. This significant day marks the beginning of a solemn season characterized by fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection, lasting for a period of at least 40 days until Easter Sunday, the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

On Ash Wednesday, devotees receive ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of penance and mortality, signifying their commitment to self-sacrifice and spiritual renewal.

In his homily, Rev. Father Jean Bosco Ntirenganya, the Principal of IFAK, elucidated the essence of fasting as a voluntary act of relinquishing worldly desires in pursuit of a deeper connection with God.

“Fasting is a conscious choice to detach from worldly pleasures in order to draw closer to God,” remarked Rev. Father Ntirenganya. “It is a transformative journey towards spiritual conversion, wherein our actions and deeds reflect the righteousness of God.”

Addressing the students, Rev. Father Ntirenganya emphasized the importance of sincerity in their spiritual endeavors, urging them not to flaunt their fasting before others but to seek inner transformation and genuine reconciliation with God.

“As ambassadors of Christ, let your actions speak louder than words. Let your prayers be heartfelt, knowing that God sees into the depths of your soul and rewards sincere devotion,” he exhorted.

As the Don Bosco IFAK community embarks on this sacred season of Lent, they are reminded of their responsibility to embody the teachings of Christ, fostering peace, compassion, and love for one another. Through acts of selflessness and heartfelt prayer, they aspire to cultivate a spirit of reconciliation and spiritual growth, preparing their hearts to celebrate the joyous resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.


Lent is a significant period in the Christian liturgical calendar, observed by various denominations including Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Anglicans, and some Protestant groups. It traditionally begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes with Easter Sunday, spanning duration of approximately 40 days, symbolizing the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.

During Lent, believers engage in practices aimed at spiritual discipline, self-reflection, and preparation for the celebration of Easter, the most important event in Christianity commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some key aspects of Lent include:

Fasting: Fasting is a common practice during Lent, symbolizing self-denial and spiritual discipline. Traditionally, fasting involves abstaining from certain foods, particularly meat, on Ash Wednesday and Fridays throughout Lent. Some individuals may also choose to fast from other indulgences or habits as a means of spiritual purification.

Prayer: Lent is a time for intensified prayer and reflection. Believers are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God through regular prayer, meditation, and contemplation. Many churches offer special prayer services, retreats, and devotional resources to support spiritual growth during Lent.

Almsgiving: Alongside fasting and prayer, almsgiving or acts of charity are central to the Lenten observance. Christians are called to demonstrate compassion and generosity towards those in need, following the example of Jesus Christ’s ministry of love and service. This may involve donating to charitable organizations, volunteering in local communities, or offering assistance to individuals experiencing hardship.

Repentance and Reconciliation: Lent provides an opportunity for believers to examine their lives, repent of sin, and seek reconciliation with God and others. Through the sacrament of reconciliation (confession), Christians confess their sins, receive forgiveness, and commit to spiritual renewal. This process of repentance and reconciliation prepares hearts for the celebration of Easter and the joy of Christ’s redemption.

Spiritual Growth: Ultimately, Lent is a season of spiritual growth and transformation. It invites believers to journey with Jesus through his suffering, death, and resurrection, experiencing the profound mystery of God’s love and salvation. Through self-discipline, prayerful reflection, and acts of love, Christians seek to draw closer to God and live more fully in accordance with His will.

Lent culminates in Holy Week, the final week of Lent leading up to Easter, which includes solemn observances such as Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (commemorating the Last Supper), Good Friday (commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion), and Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday then marks the joyful climax of Lent, celebrating the triumph of Christ over sin and death, and the promise of new life and redemption for all who believe.


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